FC/AFC Gamble's Sixth-Sens Holliday, Doc, is out of FC Gamble's Jump'N Jolene SH, by DC/INT CH/RU AKC NWGDC Gamble's Benney The Jet MH. He is owned by Mr. Jonathan Sensinger, was trained and handled to his Field Champion and Amateur Field Champion titles, by Bruce Shaffer/Almost Heaven Kennels and owner Mr. Jonathan Sensinger.
Doc has been both an absolute pleasure to train and handle in trials on pen raised birds, but is also a phenomenal wild bird dog on Ruffed Grouse and Woodcock, excelling particularly well on Grouse. He's one of those Grouse dogs that just seems to dig up birds when you think none are to be found and handles far more to perfection, than makes mistakes; successfully handling tough, well educated birds, in WV, MD and PA. For me, he is one of my favored client dogs to take along Grouse hunting with my own personal dogs, when I find time for a bit of "me time" chasing my favorite gamebird with my own favorite companions.
From Docs owner Mr. Jonathan Sensinger:
From day one, Doc excelled at every task put before him, always a fire ball of energy aiming to please, with failure never an option. No matter what venue we selected, he always new the game and switched gears appropriately. On top of competing to Field Champion and Amateur Field Champion titles, Doc has shown respectfully in both AKC & AF wild bird Trials, hunted Chukar and Pheasant preserves, hunted State released Pheasants on State Game Lands and more impressively than anything else, has proven to be a proven top notch Grouse and Woodcock machine.
Doc has solidified my opinion of the statement, "ALWAYS TRUST YOUR DOG!"
Aside from his field abilities and amazing Pedigree, he has proven to be a joy to have as part of the family. He enjoys being with the family at meal time, sleeps at the foot of the bed every night, is excellent in the home as a casual loafer, gets along well with all sizes and manners of other dogs, but above all else, loves out children the most.
Although we like to refer to him as "a Punk" for our favored term of endearment, he's only looking for more love and affection from those around him.
He is:
AKC DNA Profile# V840769 |